We Deliver

This section could be used to communicate to your current or potential customers the service that you offer.

We expect Your MOO to deliver the following to your Dairy.

Your first step would be to encourage your customers to register as users of the system. A secure registration process that involves you confirming and accepting their details, ensures that only they can access their own details. Once this process is complete the Paragon Dairy Management System uploads that customers’ delivery, invoicing and payment details to the Your MOO website

Accepting Payments

Reduce the amount of time that your Rounds personnel have to spend collecting in monies owed to you and show your customers that you are embracing modern methods of trading. Your customer can access their account details at anytime and using Paypal use any credit / debit card or their own Paypal account to pay. They can also be encouraged to set up a Direct Debit or Standing Order to pay regularly if you are setup to accept these kind of payments.

Sell More Products

Your customers will have access to their actual weekly order screen for the current week or any future week to enable them to take advantage of your product list and any products you choose to hightlight as *SPECIAL OFFERS*. They will have access to their order when they think about it and not just when you are open. If customers ring and you are out or engaged will they ring back?

Communicate Progressively

Let your customers know what your Dairy is up to. Give them facts about Milk and Dairy Produce. Maybe even recipes! Let them see who their Rounds person is and even allow them to send messages.

Call us today on 01204 577776 or email info@yourmoo.com