Dancing Milk Bottles

Have a bit of fun with your site. The Dairy Industry adverts ( when we did generic advertising ) were among the most popular and best remembered adverts on the TV.

The Dairy Council researched and compiled a chart to commemerate World Milk Day of May 28th 2004 so here it is and for your nostalgic pleasure our favourite.

The Top Ten most popular generic milk adverts:

  1. Milk’s gotta lotta bottle (1982)
  2. Drinka pinta milka day (1950s)
  3. Accrington Stanley (1989)
  4. Dancing milk bottles (1991)
  5. The White Stuff (2000)
  6. Pinta Girl/Pinta Man (1960s)
  7. Bob Geldof – Milk delivers (1988)
  8. Linford Christie – Wake up to milk (1987)
  9. Cool for Cats (1992)
  10. Paul Whitehouse – Ain’t milk brilliant? (1995)

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